The CDC advises that children under 12 months should not be fed honey. And yet here’s what it recommends for a perfectly healthy baby:
1x Respiratory Syncyctial Virus (RSV)
3x Hepatitis B (HepB)
3x Rotavirus
3x Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP)
3x Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
4x Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV15)
3x Polio (IPV)
1x COVID19
1x Influenza
1x Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR)
1x Varicella
2x Hepatitis A (HepA)
Ads this commentator says, that’s 26 doses made by habitually criminal companies that aren’t liable for injury or death and profit from perpetual disease injected into a perfectly healthy baby.
The CDC just dropped its 2025 Childhood vaccine schedule. Here’s what a perfectly healthy baby receives from 0-12 months:
— D. Alec Zeck (@Alec_Zeck) November 29, 2024
1x Resperatory Syncyctial Virus (RSV)
3x Hepatitis B (HepB)
3x Rotavirus
3x Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (DTaP)
3x Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
0-15 months schedule

New management at the CDC cannot come soon enough.
Pfizer board member, @ScottGottliebMD, you look foolish attacking @RobertKennedyJr on CNBC (links to clips below) because it’s clear you lack basic knowledge regarding vaccines. For example:
— Aaron Siri (@AaronSiriSG) December 2, 2024
–Your claim that in “early 2000s … FDA reformulate[d] the existing MMR vaccine to…
–Your claim that in “early 2000s … FDA reformulate[d] the existing MMR vaccine to take some of the preservatives out,” is false. Never happened. You are likely thinking about the removal of thimerosal in the early 2000s from various vaccines but as even CDC explains, “Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal.”
–Your claim that a child “can’t get vaccinated [for MMR] until age 2” is simply false. MMR is routinely given at one year of age and sometimes even earlier.
–Your claims regarding pertussis vaccines nonsensically ignore the fact that these products do not prevent transmission of the pertussis bacteria – they only provide, at best, personal protection. As a recent consensus paper of industry pertussis vaccine “experts” explained, “aPVs [pertussis vaccine] … cannot avoid infection and transmission. … aPV pertussis vaccines do not prevent colonization. Consequently, they do not reduce the circulation of B. pertussis and do not exert any herd immunity effect.”
–Your claims regarding polio nonsensically ignore the fact that the last wild case of polio in the U.S. was in 1979 and that the only polio vaccine used in the U.S. for the last 24 years only provides, at best, personal protection and does not prevent transmission of the polio virus. As CDC explains: “IPV [inactivated polio vaccine] … does not stop transmission of the virus.” –You claimed that “we [Pfizer] don’t make the pediatric vaccines, Pfizer is not in that market” to deflect the claim that, as a board member of Pfizer, you have a serious conflict of interest in attacking RFK Jr. regarding pediatric vaccines. But, as you no doubt know, Pfizer does sell pediatric vaccines, including the Prevnar vaccine given to babies at 2, 4, 6, and 12 months of age, which was one of Pfizer’s top three selling products in 2023. claim is either a lie or reveals deep ignorance.
–Your claim regarding measles mortality is based on dubious and unreliable data and ignores the facts that (1) approximately 400 people total died annually in the U.S. in the years before the first measles vaccine in 1963 (amounting to around 1 death for every 500,000 Americans), and (2) mortality from measles declined by over 98% from 1900 to 1960 before the vaccine and was continuing to decline. In any event, you dutifully ignore the fact that RFK Jr. has made clear he has no intention of taking away vaccines from anyone who wants them.
–You claim RFK Jr. will cost lives, but I would argue that ignorance regarding vaccine products does and has cost lives. I welcome a public debate in which we can discuss the number of lives ignorance about vaccines has cost versus your speculations about those RFK Jr. will supposedly cause (a man who has actually devoted his life to saving the lives of children). Your knowledge regarding these products is only matched by your track record as a public “health” official.
The plummeting decline in childhood health from the early 1980s (from less than 13% with chronic disease to now well over 50%) continued unabated while you were FDA commissioner. Respectfully, you lack authority or a track record, let alone basic knowledge, to speak on the subjects you address in this interview (let alone to discuss this topic with Senators to dissuade them from confirming RFK Jr.)
If you were being honest, you would reveal that your real concern, as a board member of Pfizer, is that Pfizer’s golden gooses – Covid-19 vaccines, Prevnar vaccines, RSV vaccines, etc. – will have to face the reality of the devastating harms they have caused to families across America. Your interview stinks of self-interest.
The time for selling out America’s children so pharma and its leaders, like you, can line their pockets has come to an end.
The above responds to a recent CNBC segment on which you recently appeared and which you tweeted out in two parts: